Does FedEx Xray Packages? 2024 Updated Answer

FedEx is a global courier delivery company. They provides transportation, e-commerce, and supply chain management services. As part of its operations, FedEx has established a package screening process. This to ensure the customers safety. And comply with federal and international regulations on the shipment items. Let’s explore the truth about X-Ray machines in FedEx’s package screening process.

Does FedEx Xray Packages?

FedEx does use X-Ray machines as part of its package screening process. But, not all packages are scanned using X-Ray machines. Only suspicious package needs depth screening. They use some screening methods: canine inspection, visual scanning, or manual inspection.

FedEx has strict policies against the shipment of illegal or dangerous items. So, anyone caught sending such items through the company could face legal consequences.

X-Ray Machines in FedEx’s Package Screening Process

X-Ray machines are an essential part of FedEx’s package screening process. They scan hidden items that may not be visible through other screening methods. X-Ray machines emit a low dose of ionizing radiation that passes through the package. It is producing an image of the contents. This image is then analyzed by trained personnel to detect hidden items. That’s can including drugs, explosives, and other dangerous materials.

Using X-Ray machines in FedEx’s package screening process has advantages and disadvantages. X-Ray machines allow the detection of hidden items without opening the package. It saving time and reducing the risk of damage to the contents. But, X-Ray machines are expensive to purchase and maintain. In addition, they may only sometimes be effective in detecting certain types of items. A package that are shielded or have low density.

Canine Inspection and Other Screening Methods

In addition to X-Ray machines, FedEx also uses other screening methods. They use canine inspection and metal detectors. The canine inspection involves the use of trained dogs. Dogs nose is sensitive. Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell and are essential in detecting hidden items. An illegal item shielded that may not be visible through other screening methods. So, they use to detect the presence of illegal or dangerous items in packages.

Metal detectors are also used in FedEx’s package screening process. They use it to detect the presence of metal objects such as knives or firearms. FedEx also do a manual inspection, visual scanning, and explosives detection systems.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some FAQ about FedEx’s package screening process:

Why does FedEx screen packages?

FedEx screens packages to ensure the safety of its customers. And comply with federal regulation on shipment. They are global shipment company so they also comply with international regulations. Any illegal or dangerous items should not shipped through their service. So, the screening process is essential to preventing the shipment of such items. Of course, maintain the safety of the public and the communities in which FedEx operates.

Do all FedEx packages get scanned?

All packages shipped through FedEx are subject to scanning and inspection. Packages should pass the company’s package screening process. This process involves using physical and technological methods to detect hidden items. The technology ensure scanning without having to open the package. But sometimes they should open package if they find dangerous items. This process helps to ensure the public’s safety and comply with legal requirements. So, any domestic or international packages, all will undergo the scanning process. The process includes X-ray machines, canine inspection, and other screening methods.

How often are FedEx packages scanned?

FedEx scans packages based on certain criteria. Any package that appear suspicious or go to certain destinations. FedEx scans packages at various points along their journey. This is to track their progress and location. Here is a general FedEx package scanning:

  • Pickup scan – When the package is picked up from the shipper. The first scan happens to record that FedEx has possession of the package.
  • Origin scan – Packages get scanned when they arrive at the local FedEx facility. This records that the package has entered the FedEx network.
  • In transit scans – When packages arrive and depart in sorting facilities and hubs during transit. This allows tracking of the package’s movement.
  • Out for delivery scan – When the package arrives at the local delivery center/vehicle. A scan indicates it is out for delivery that day.
  • Delivery scan – The final scan happens when the package is delivered. This is to record it has reached its intended destination.

So, most FedEx packages will have a minimum of 5 scans from pickup to final delivery. Sometimes the package can seem to not be moving from the customer side. This situation sometimes referred to as packages not moving. Priority services may have more scans to enable more detailed tracking.

Can you send drugs via FedEx?

It is not legal to send drugs through FedEx. The company has established strict policies against the shipment of illegal drugs. So, any attempt to do so could result in legal consequences for both the sender and the receiver. In addition, FedEx has implemented a comprehensive package screening process to prevent it.

What happens if FedEx finds drugs in a package?

If FedEx finds drug items in a package, they are required by law to report it to the appropriate authorities. The shipment will be seized. The sender and receiver could face legal consequences. FedEx takes a serious stance against the shipment of illegal drugs. They will take all necessary measures to prevent it.

Can FedEx detect drugs in vacuum-sealed bags?

Trained canines can detect the smell of drugs through vacuum-sealed bags. Using this shield material may make it more difficult to detect the smell of drugs. But it could be more foolproof and may depend on various factors. Like the type of drug, the packaging material, and the quality of the seal.

Do you get in trouble if your package is seized?

If your package is seized and illegal items are found, you will face legal consequences. The shipment of illegal items is a serious offense. Shipping companies such as FedEx are required by law to report such findings. That’s why the inspection process is necessary to prevent the shipment of such items.

Does FedEx do urine or mouth swab drug test?

No, FedEx does not perform drug tests on individuals. The company’s screening process involves inspecting packages. So, they will not tests the shipper. But, if illegal items are found in a package, FedEx will report sender and receiver to the authorities. Then, the authorities may do a drug test to sender and package receiver.

The Impact of FedEx’s Package Screening Process

FedEx’s package screening have an important impact on safety, efficiency, and customer service. FedEx screens ensure they do not contain dangerous or prohibited items. It enhances overall safety for FedEx team members, assets, and shipments.

Advanced screening tech like x-rays enables FedEx to quickly scan the packages. So, they don’t need to open every package. This allows them to process a high volume of packages daily. While customers may occasionally need to deal with shipment delays. If their package gets flagged and searched, they ultimately benefit from the screening. It gives assurance that FedEx is providing a safe shipping environment.


FedEx’s package screening process is essential for sender, company and receiver. The screening methods can detecting hidden items without having to open the package. FedEx use X-Ray machines, canine inspection, and other screening methods. All methods helps to prevent the shipment of illegal or dangerous items. This is to ensure the integrity in the the shipping industry and protect customers.


Hello! I'm Amma, a B.Ed. graduate from the University with a specialization in Geography Education. Despite the fact that it's a different field, I have a passion for exploring social phenomena that I studied in the subfields of Human Geography, such as Social Geography and Economic Geography. I possess a deep understanding of goods production, consumption, and distribution in relation to the environment in which they exist. I am here to provide answers to any questions you may have regarding products, grocery, services, and delivery on my website.

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